Published 21 April 2022

10 min read

Neo Nature is a wild and impactful direction that puts the natural world front and centre. Underpinned by profound respect for plants and animals, it acknowledges both their wonderful oddities and innate ingenuity, while pioneering planet-positive solutions and systems.

The enchanting appeal of deep forestscapes and folkloric legends informs a visceral and curious aesthetic. Hypnotic patterns in bold, botanical hues heighten digital experiences and invigorate hard surfaces and products. Tactility is introduced through humble materials and earthy textures, while gentle colour from organic pigments advocates care and consciousness.

Colour & Materials S/S 2024: Neo Nature

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Global Exhibition Trends 2024: Part Two

Global Exhibition Trends 2024: Part Two

Global Exhibition Trends 2024: Part Two

Global Exhibition Trends 2024: Part Two

Global Exhibition Trends 2024: Part Two

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