Published 08 May 2023

Maggie Gray
8 min read

Eco-aware consumers are supporting the environment with their lifestyle choices and wallets alike. From principled pleasure-seekers and green-luxury experimenters to renewable energy optimists and communities battling eco-overwhelm, Stylus profiles four emerging cohorts responding to the climate crisis with positive personal action.

Planet-Conscious Hedonists

Solar Utopians

Climate Doomers

Green Luxurians

Consumers want to tackle climate change, while also prioritising their happiness. Post-pandemic, 88% of people worldwide are looking for fun, and 78% want brands to provide it (Oracle, 2022). For these individuals, living sustainably shouldn’t mean sacrificing personal enjoyment, and they’re seeking businesses that support their planet-positive visions.

Consumers want to tackle climate change, while also prioritising their happiness. Post-pandemic, 88% of people worldwide are looking for fun, and 78% want brands to provide it (Oracle, 2022). For these individuals, living sustainably shouldn’t mean sacrificing personal enjoyment, and they’re seeking businesses that support their planet-positive visions.


Planet-Conscious Hedonists

Consumers want to tackle climate change, while also prioritising their happiness. Post-pandemic, 88% of people worldwide are looking for fun, and 78% want brands to provide it (Oracle, 2022). For these individuals, living sustainably shouldn’t mean sacrificing personal enjoyment, and they’re seeking businesses that support their planet-positive visions.

Solar Utopians

As worries about fossil fuels accelerate, a growing section of society is envisaging an energy world recentred around solar power. From Solarpunk creatives and forward-thinking farmers to proactive homeowners and imaginative inventors, people are turning idealistic alt-energy visions into workable real-world solutions.

Climate Doomers

Climate news can be bleak, and as more people experience eco-anxiety, some are losing hope in society’s ability to change. These ‘doomers’ recognise the systemic issues behind the climate crisis. They have big ideas, want urgent action, and are looking for organisations to support their cause – all while attending to their own mental wellbeing.

Green Luxurians

The top 1% of UK earners generate as much carbon in one year as the bottom 10% produce in over two decades (Autonomy, 2022). With pressure mounting on high-income individuals to act – they have the spending power and social capital to take meaningful environmental action – eco-conscious elites are experimenting with sustainable lifestyles and impact investing.

Meet the Eco-Pragmatists: New Sustainability Consumers

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