Published 15 November 2023

18 min read

An ageing population, the mounting costs of housing and care, and a rise in remote work and loneliness create a challenging context for residential architecture and interiors. We explore how to foster multigenerational interactions and living arrangements, stimulate community building and support changeable circumstances with innovative spatial and product design.

Connected Homes for Co-Living & Robust Communities

Age-Friendly Homes

Adaptable Homes

While multigenerational living is standard practice in parts of the Global South, it’s risen steadily in the Global North too, accelerated by the pandemic and cost-of-living crisis. Several generations under one roof present new challenges for architects and developers. With loneliness escalating, housing schemes must be designed to encourage social engagement and cultivate connected communities.

While multigenerational living is standard practice in parts of the Global South, it’s risen steadily in the Global North too, accelerated by the pandemic and cost-of-living crisis. Several generations under one roof present new challenges for architects and developers. With loneliness escalating, housing schemes must be designed to encourage social engagement and cultivate connected communities.


Connected Homes for Co-Living & Robust Communities

While multigenerational living is standard practice in parts of the Global South, it’s risen steadily in the Global North too, accelerated by the pandemic and cost-of-living crisis. Several generations under one roof present new challenges for architects and developers. With loneliness escalating, housing schemes must be designed to encourage social engagement and cultivate connected communities.

Age-Friendly Homes

By 2050, 25% of Brits (Office for National Statistics, 2019) and 20% of Americans (Statista, 2023) will be aged 65 or over, making future-proofing housing stock for this ageing population essential. When creating homes for older consumers and their smaller households, it’s imperative to look beyond a shared age bracket and focus on individual demands and communal values.

Adaptable Homes

As lifestyles become more changeable, innovative research and development projects explore if our homes could be made equally flexible to adapt to shifting living situations. Unfixed walls and removable floors are emerging as a surprising result while robotic furniture is entering the consumer market. Elsewhere, clever convertible product design supports hybrid home lives.

The All-Round Home: Connected, Adaptable & Age-Friendly

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