Published 15 May 2024

18 min read

Hero concepts are elevating craftsmanship, unboxing ideas and refilling interactions in a bid to emphasise the importance of packaging in the product experience. Surprising and delightful propositions are winning over social-media-savvy audiences, while sensorial tactility and sophisticated colour play enhance consumer engagement with everyday products.

Engaging Actions

Inviting Touch & Appreciation

Cerebral Storytelling

Visual Direction

Interactivity and elevated engagement are spearheaded by gifting and unboxing concepts highlighting craftsmanship, while luxury refills frame ceremony as sustainability. With the global interactive packaging market set to reach nearly $49bn by 2030, from $33.1bn in 2023, new ideas will breathe life into commercial opportunities.

Interactivity and elevated engagement are spearheaded by gifting and unboxing concepts highlighting craftsmanship, while luxury refills frame ceremony as sustainability. With the global interactive packaging market set to reach nearly $49bn by 2030, from $33.1bn in 2023, new ideas will breathe life into commercial opportunities.


Engaging Actions

Interactivity and elevated engagement are spearheaded by gifting and unboxing concepts highlighting craftsmanship, while luxury refills frame ceremony as sustainability. With the global interactive packaging market set to reach nearly $49bn by 2030, from $33.1bn in 2023, new ideas will breathe life into commercial opportunities.

Inviting Touch & Appreciation

Ergonomic, tactile packaging is a commercial win, pleasing the senses, inspiring connection and enhancing user experience. Playful, painterly colours emerge as key trends in young independent brand offerings, and unconventional packs trick the eye, sparking joy and happiness in the world-weary.

Cerebral Storytelling

Packaging continues to be a powerful storytelling tool and catalyst for discovery: 40% of consumers share images of packaging on social media when a design is unique or branded (Dotcom Distribution, 2023). Digital technology and metaverse realities create pack-led content portals, and surprising typography or symbolic icons raise brand awareness.

Visual Direction

Packaging Futures 24/25: Captivating Formats

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NYC x Design 2024

NYC x Design 2024

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