Published 15 March 2024

18 min read

Contemporary hobbyists are relishing cathartic and creative analogue activities that settle the mind, restore energy, and deliver a feel-good factor. From ‘cool crochet’ and ‘backyard birding’ to anime-inspired scrapbooking, new takes on formerly staid hobbies are facilitating self-care, self-expression, and even social inclusion. Imaginative brands should find ways to get involved with these emotionally invested occasions.

Hobbies Spark Happiness

Celebrating Creative Self-Expressionists

The Hip Handicraft Halo

Affirming Outdoor Activities

A study of 90,000 individuals across Japan, the US, the UK, China and Europe shows the regions where people took part in hobbies saw a reduction in depressive symptoms and an increase in happiness and life satisfaction (CNTraveller, 2023). Furthermore, many activities – such as reading, journaling and jigsaws – are low cost, making them low-risk endeavours.

A study of 90,000 individuals across Japan, the US, the UK, China and Europe shows the regions where people took part in hobbies saw a reduction in depressive symptoms and an increase in happiness and life satisfaction (CNTraveller, 2023). Furthermore, many activities – such as reading, journaling and jigsaws – are low cost, making them low-risk endeavours.


Hobbies Spark Happiness

A study of 90,000 individuals across Japan, the US, the UK, China and Europe shows the regions where people took part in hobbies saw a reduction in depressive symptoms and an increase in happiness and life satisfaction (CNTraveller, 2023). Furthermore, many activities – such as reading, journaling and jigsaws – are low cost, making them low-risk endeavours.

Celebrating Creative Self-Expressionists

Consumers are being pulled towards recreational pursuits, like drawing and scrapbooking, that nourish creativity and provide therapeutic release. Fuelling mainstream interest, contemporary online influencers are bringing wide-reaching references from K-pop to fairy tales into their work. Meanwhile, pocket-friendly baking continues to offer feelings of creative accomplishment in challenging economic times.

The Hip Handicraft Halo

Hobbies like crochet and embroidery have transcended their ‘grandma’ associations as younger cohorts imbue them with a modern mentality and aspirational attitude. These crafts also chime well with rising priorities around thriftiness and upcycling as a means of ethical living. Keep an eye on lesser-known stitchcrafts, like Japanese sashiko, which is inspiring global audiences.

Affirming Outdoor Activities

Individuals are embracing immersive outdoor hobbies such as gardening with renewed enthusiasm, as the benefits of fresh air and spending time in nature become more proven. For the conservationist-minded, citizen science projects designed to track and bolster the health of the natural world are striking a chord. Such activities are particularly effective antidotes to screen-dominated lives.

The Happy Hobby Boom

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