Published 16 February 2024

8 min read

Grown-up holidaymakers are taking the time to plan thoughtful, fun and exhilarating adult-only getaways that provide much-needed respite from the pressures and responsibilities associated with daily life. These trips focus on forging meaningful connections with like-minded partners, indulging in play-fuelled recreation and discovering alternative wellness offerings.

Kidults on Vacation

Roaming Hedonists

Travel for Intimacy Seekers

Adult travellers are engaging in a variety of playful and nostalgic activities usually reserved for younger individuals while on their trips. These young-at-heart tourists are enjoying adult-orientated theme parks, immersive indoor playgrounds and summer camps that recapture youthful vibes. This is part of the wider kidulting phenomenon, whereby play is embraced as a form of escapism and stress relief.

Adult travellers are engaging in a variety of playful and nostalgic activities usually reserved for younger individuals while on their trips. These young-at-heart tourists are enjoying adult-orientated theme parks, immersive indoor playgrounds and summer camps that recapture youthful vibes. This is part of the wider kidulting phenomenon, whereby play is embraced as a form of escapism and stress relief.


Kidults on Vacation

Adult travellers are engaging in a variety of playful and nostalgic activities usually reserved for younger individuals while on their trips. These young-at-heart tourists are enjoying adult-orientated theme parks, immersive indoor playgrounds and summer camps that recapture youthful vibes. This is part of the wider kidulting phenomenon, whereby play is embraced as a form of escapism and stress relief.

Roaming Hedonists

While booze-fuelled party holidays are on the decline, especially among Gen Zers, many travellers are still looking to indulge in moments of hedonism. However, this desire has evolved to include more sophisticated forms of fun, such as levelled-up adults-only cruises, psychedelic retreats and a more entertaining gambling scene.

Travel for Intimacy Seekers

Developing a romantic relationship with a partner – both emotionally and physically – has become a key travel motivator for many people. As part of this, many are hoping to establish a healthier sex life, a priority catered for by new intimate wellness retreats and sex-positive hotels.

Redesigning the Adults-Only Getaway

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