Published 26 April 2024

8 min read

Hotel operators are dazzling guests worldwide with innovative, luxurious and unforgettable food and drink experiences. While some are elevating room service to new heights and concocting joyful alcoholic confections, others are treating visitors to immersive dinner-time entertainment and interactive culinary workshops.

Revitalising Food Service

Culinary Experiences Spark Joy

Alcohol-Centred Spectacles

Hotels are imaginatively updating services like in-room dining and afternoon tea. Cue streamlined ways to order takeaways to bedrooms, on-call bartenders and extravagant high teas. Operators are also highlighting authentic global cuisines.

Hotels are imaginatively updating services like in-room dining and afternoon tea. Cue streamlined ways to order takeaways to bedrooms, on-call bartenders and extravagant high teas. Operators are also highlighting authentic global cuisines.


Revitalising Food Service

Hotels are imaginatively updating services like in-room dining and afternoon tea. Cue streamlined ways to order takeaways to bedrooms, on-call bartenders and extravagant high teas. Operators are also highlighting authentic global cuisines.

Culinary Experiences Spark Joy

Hotels are offering guests a sense of escapism with immersive dinner-time entertainment and educational dining opportunities. They’re also creating alcohol-themed retreats for enthusiastic imbibers.

Alcohol-Centred Spectacles

Hotel bars are prioritising premium wines and spirits on their menus and crafting cocktails with seasonal and unexpected ingredients. Meanwhile, onsite restaurants are infusing desserts with alcohol – and serving decadent dessert-like drinks – for a cheeky post-meal treat.

Hotel Food + Drink Trends

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