Published 13 May 2024

12 min read

What constitutes a vice, and what it means to partake in one, is changing. Propelled by shifting social norms and new legislation, select consumers are adopting more permissive mindsets when it comes to ‘bad’ behaviour. Stylus traces this transformation across psychedelics, alcohol, nicotine, and instant gratification culture.

Social Norms in Flux

Switching Sides on Psychedelics

Alcohol’s Neo-Moderates

New Nicotine Dynamics

Overindulging on Modern Vices

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, vice is a “corruption of morals” or “indulgence in degrading pleasures or practices”. Determining what makes something ‘corrupted’ or ‘degrading’ depends on social norms and cultural context – but these reference points are evolving as activities once considered immoral become more visible and (seemingly) normalised.

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, vice is a “corruption of morals” or “indulgence in degrading pleasures or practices”. Determining what makes something ‘corrupted’ or ‘degrading’ depends on social norms and cultural context – but these reference points are evolving as activities once considered immoral become more visible and (seemingly) normalised.


Social Norms in Flux

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, vice is a “corruption of morals” or “indulgence in degrading pleasures or practices”. Determining what makes something ‘corrupted’ or ‘degrading’ depends on social norms and cultural context – but these reference points are evolving as activities once considered immoral become more visible and (seemingly) normalised.

Switching Sides on Psychedelics

Increasing social acceptance of psychedelics offers a case study in how compounds can shift from illicit and stigmatised to (nearly) mainstream. Fuelled by research, brands and advocates are positioning hallucinogens and psychedelics – including psilocybin and MDMA – as wellness aids, whether used to treat clinical conditions like depression or soothe everyday anxieties.

Alcohol’s Neo-Moderates

While alcohol isn’t a novel vice, what people consider appropriate consumption is shifting towards ever smaller amounts – see Sober Curiosity Evolves. Consumers are adopting new strategies to temper their intake. These include choosing pricier bottles, alternating with non-alcoholic options, or even eschewing alcohol in favour of other (supposedly) safer intoxicants.

New Nicotine Dynamics

Despite considerable efforts to limit the sale of tobacco and places to smoke, cigarettes and vapes remain popular among certain demographics (see Key Stats). Yet health concerns shadow the category, driving consumers and brands to products that pair the vice with a virtue, such as natural-seeming or smoke-free options.

Overindulging on Modern Vices

Fast-paced consumer culture and instant gratification has made many highly pleasurable activities readily available, a phenomenon Stanford psychiatrist Anna Lembke describes as an “unprecedented human stressor”. Easy access to pleasurable activities increases the likelihood that consumers will develop a vice-like relationship with otherwise harmless habits, like screen time, shopping or video games.

Reframing Vice: Consumers’ Guilty Pleasures

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