Published 15 April 2024

8 min read

Airlines are raising the bar when it comes to the in-flight experience, exhibiting a renewed focus on passenger comfort and wellbeing. We explore how dining, service, entertainment and accessibility features are being upgraded and look at how air carriers are becoming more sustainable through the adoption of eco-fuels and waste reduction.

Comfortable, Well & Entertained

Elevated Airline Edibles

Eco-First Aviation

Accessible Airlines

Airlines are prioritising in-flight care and comfort via soothing cabin design, superior entertainment and wellbeing-centred amenities and services. Progressive innovations include lie-flat beds for economy-class passengers, wellness zones designed for stretching and curated audiobook libraries and educational workshops.

Airlines are prioritising in-flight care and comfort via soothing cabin design, superior entertainment and wellbeing-centred amenities and services. Progressive innovations include lie-flat beds for economy-class passengers, wellness zones designed for stretching and curated audiobook libraries and educational workshops.


Comfortable, Well & Entertained

Airlines are prioritising in-flight care and comfort via soothing cabin design, superior entertainment and wellbeing-centred amenities and services. Progressive innovations include lie-flat beds for economy-class passengers, wellness zones designed for stretching and curated audiobook libraries and educational workshops.

Elevated Airline Edibles

Tastier dishes, designed by award-winning chefs with ever more luxurious ingredients, are finding their way onto first- and business-class trays while airlines invest in better snacks for all passengers. Carriers are also introducing a more diverse selection of plant-based meals as demand soars. For further insights, read Revamping In-Flight Meals.

Eco-First Aviation

Faced with mounting greenwashing allegations, the airline industry is under pressure to introduce measures that truly push air travel’s eco-friendly future. Two approaches taken by operators are the use of more viable sustainable fuel options and a drastic reduction of cabin waste. For other innovations in aviation sustainability, see The Future Airport: 24/25.

Accessible Airlines

As discussed in Disability Futures: Democratising Travel & Leisure, better serving disabled travellers is an important imperative. Airlines are finding new ways to make their aircraft more physically accessible to wheelchair users as well as blind or low-vision passengers and those who are neurodivergent.

In-Flight Trends: 24/25

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Soft Leisure: Restorative Recreation

Soft Leisure: Restorative Recreation

Soft Leisure: Restorative Recreation

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