Published 08 March 2024

8 min read

Wellness-minded individuals are looking for fulfilling ways to support their physical and mental health. Combat sports (including boxing, Muay Thai and karate) can offer these outcomes through boosting fitness levels and providing space for focused and intentional movement. As new participants embrace these engaging disciplines, leisure and lifestyle brands are tapping into wider commercial opportunities associated with them.

Inclusive Attitudes to Martial Arts

Hospitality + Tourism Take on Combat Sports

Beyond the Ring: The Lifestyle Lens

Combat sports are attracting an enthusiastic fanbase, with diverse participants eager to harness their physical and mental wellness benefits. As well as greatly enhancing fitness, these precision-focused activities can sharpen the intellect, improve confidence and provide life-saving self-defence skills. See also Safety in a Turbulent World.

Combat sports are attracting an enthusiastic fanbase, with diverse participants eager to harness their physical and mental wellness benefits. As well as greatly enhancing fitness, these precision-focused activities can sharpen the intellect, improve confidence and provide life-saving self-defence skills. See also Safety in a Turbulent World.


Inclusive Attitudes to Martial Arts

Combat sports are attracting an enthusiastic fanbase, with diverse participants eager to harness their physical and mental wellness benefits. As well as greatly enhancing fitness, these precision-focused activities can sharpen the intellect, improve confidence and provide life-saving self-defence skills. See also Safety in a Turbulent World.

Hospitality + Tourism Take on Combat Sports

With travellers continuing to prioritise their fitness while on vacation (see The Fitness Travel Opportunity), accommodating travel and hospitality brands are incorporating combat sports into their broader wellness programming – a tactic that’s also helping them to attract locals to their spaces. Meanwhile, cities are hosting large-scale tournaments to captivate athletic tourists.

Beyond the Ring: The Lifestyle Lens

Reflecting broader cultural interest in contact sports, film directors, writers and fashion designers are conjuring new ways to enjoy these disciplines through movies, books, exhibitions and merchandise. These creative outlets provide opportunities for audiences to explore the rich historical and cultural narratives that frame these physical activities.

Combat Sports: Leisure’s New Obsession

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Soft Leisure: Restorative Recreation

Soft Leisure: Restorative Recreation

Soft Leisure: Restorative Recreation

Soft Leisure: Restorative Recreation

Soft Leisure: Restorative Recreation

As everyday anxiety reaches a crescendo, overwhelmed consumers use their leisure time to slow down, rest and recalibrate, while hospitality, leisure, wellness and tech brands offer affirming products and experiences that provide physical and mental nourishment. From

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