Published 08 August 2022

Elspeth Taylor
18 min read

Rising awareness of health inequities in the US and UK is spurring the development of more culturally attuned resources. As Black consumers increasingly seek empowering solutions – most notably in maternal and mental health – brands have wide-reaching opportunities for allyship, helping to fill the many gaps in care and support.

Health Disparities in the Spotlight

Rising Resolve to Tackle Maternal Health

Destigmatising & Democratising Mental Health

The disproportionate effect of Covid-19 is spurring examination of the links between racism and health, and directing more attention to prevailing inequities. To engage Black consumers – the majority of whom have experienced race-related, negative healthcare experiences (Pew, 2022) – some businesses are prioritising culturally competent care, and creating campaigns that redress disparities.

The disproportionate effect of Covid-19 is spurring examination of the links between racism and health, and directing more attention to prevailing inequities. To engage Black consumers – the majority of whom have experienced race-related, negative healthcare experiences (Pew, 2022) – some businesses are prioritising culturally competent care, and creating campaigns that redress disparities.


Health Disparities in the Spotlight

The disproportionate effect of Covid-19 is spurring examination of the links between racism and health, and directing more attention to prevailing inequities. To engage Black consumers – the majority of whom have experienced race-related, negative healthcare experiences (Pew, 2022) – some businesses are prioritising culturally competent care, and creating campaigns that redress disparities.

Rising Resolve to Tackle Maternal Health

Black maternal health is taking the spotlight, as pregnancy presents a uniquely fraught experience at the intersection of medical racism and misogyny. Several brand campaigns tackle the troubling disparities in outcomes for expectant Black mothers, while a crop of Black-led start-ups are serving the growing number of individuals seeking empowering solutions.

Destigmatising & Democratising Mental Health

As the mental impact of racial trauma and discrimination becomes better understood, non-profits, digital start-ups and influencers (from athletes to social media stars) are pushing to dismantle stigmas and expand access to culturally competent psychological support. See also the first section of Decolonising Wellness.

The Black Health Imperative

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