Published 29 April 2024

Marta Mąkolska
20 min read

Milan Design Week continues to boom (Salone del Mobile 2024 alone had 17.1% more visitors than 2023, a record-breaking 361,000+) maintaining its role as a place for brands of all kinds to state their creative relevance. We dissect the key brand experience trends for architects, visual merchandisers and marketeers, including ‘synergetic sensorial’, ‘retro romance’, and ‘allusions to Arte Povera’. 

Synergetic Sensorial

Allusions to Arte Povera

Retro Romance

The Illusionists

Solo Signatures Become Storytelling

Extra Contextualised Design

Connecting to Elements

Spaces for Second Wave Feminism

This year, two high-profile brands experimented with interactive multisensory experiences designed to amplify the intensity of an individual’s sensory perception, and showcase a more positive synergy between humans, technology and their surroundings.

This year, two high-profile brands experimented with interactive multisensory experiences designed to amplify the intensity of an individual’s sensory perception, and showcase a more positive synergy between humans, technology and their surroundings.


Synergetic Sensorial

This year, two high-profile brands experimented with interactive multisensory experiences designed to amplify the intensity of an individual’s sensory perception, and showcase a more positive synergy between humans, technology and their surroundings.

Allusions to Arte Povera

Other concepts from brands in sectors as diverse as bathroom manufacturing and beauty found inspiration in the philosophy of the radical 1960-70s Italian Arte Povera movement, in which the everyday is made meaningful, and art is created without the restraints of traditional practices and materials, including cherishing modest substrates.

Retro Romance

A retro design aesthetic manifested heavily at this year’s fair, with a strong sense of nostalgia permeating some of the most inspirational brand experiences – from overt homages to historic architectural design, to those using distinctly modern tools and aesthetics (including 1980s gaming) to tell a compelling story.

The Illusionists

Chiming with the section Mythmakers: ‘Sceno-Stores’ in Brand Spaces: 9 Trends & Opportunities, 24/25 several brand experiences took a highly scenographic approach. Cinematic and mysterious, they were often intermeshed with a taste for the mythical or fantastical, suggesting themselves as portals to other dimensions and/or distorted realities.

Solo Signatures Become Storytelling

High-profile Italian and German lifestyle brands including fashion house Bottega Veneta, Porsche and streetwear stalwart Stone Island created experiences to halo specific products (new and reissues), patterns or material innovations – providing plenty of VM inspiration for those seeking to power up a hero product story.

Extra Contextualised Design

Expanding the imaginative possibilities of an original design with fresh context, US fashion label Thom Browne and print-led Finnish design house Marimekko explored new experiences offering a canny repositioning of their designs.

Connecting to Elements

Other brands focused on the official theme of the week: Materia Natura (Natural Matter – more specifically, the focus on an eco-conscious design culture) by channelling an appreciation of natural elements such as air and sunshine in their experiences.

Spaces for Second Wave Feminism

Women-centred concepts from fashion and furniture brands explored feminist literature, furniture design, the female body and sexuality – emphasising the enduring and often overlooked importance of women’s perspectives in shaping brand and design strategies.

Milan Design Week 2024: Brand Experiences

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