Quiet Luxe & The Cherished Quotidian
Revelling in the Process: New Behind-the-Scenes Brilliance
The Lifestylification of Tech
The Serious Business of Science-Backed Style & Beauty
Parent Appeal: ‘Play & Respite’ Retail Venues
Pride of Placemaking: Cultural Localism
Tourist-Attracting Absurdist Architecture
The long-running trend for residential-style luxury stores (see Leveraging Lore & Manufacturing Mythology in Luxury Flagships: New Languages) diverts this quarter from glossy show home or heritage-riffing theatre towards curiously enigmatic everyday domestic settings: a home, an office, even a garage. While the affluence is still palpable and the staging meticulous, aesthetic cues range from understated suburbia to mid-century modernism.
The long-running trend for residential-style luxury stores (see Leveraging Lore & Manufacturing Mythology in Luxury Flagships: New Languages) diverts this quarter from glossy show home or heritage-riffing theatre towards curiously enigmatic everyday domestic settings: a home, an office, even a garage. While the affluence is still palpable and the staging meticulous, aesthetic cues range from understated suburbia to mid-century modernism.
Quiet Luxe & The Cherished Quotidian | The long-running trend for residential-style luxury stores (see Leveraging Lore & Manufacturing Mythology in Luxury Flagships: New Languages) diverts this quarter from glossy show home or heritage-riffing theatre towards curiously enigmatic everyday domestic settings: a home, an office, even a garage. While the affluence is still palpable and the staging meticulous, aesthetic cues range from understated suburbia to mid-century modernism. |
Revelling in the Process: New Behind-the-Scenes Brilliance | Chiming with the rise of in-store services (from circularity-centred repair and renewal to customisation and ‘product discovery concierges’) – as well as thriving communities of collector-consumers – this quarter sees a wave of luxury brands reimagining how best to reveal their process. The most inspiring theatricalised intrigue allows experts’ and enthusiasts’ worlds to collide. |
The Lifestylification of Tech | A new wave of tech brand flagships arrive this quarter with designs acknowledging the deeper integration of technology (from artificial-intelligence-(AI)-assistant-embedded smart glasses to drones) into the cultural and leisure aspects of consumer lifestyles. The décor and displays borrow aesthetic cues – and in-store activity spaces – from sectors including fashion, art, music and media. Customisation culture underscores most designs here. |
The Serious Business of Science-Backed Style & Beauty | Seeking to communicate the heavyweight extent of their scientific credentials and medi-aesthetic acumen, several beauty and eyewear brands have elaborated on the classic laboratory aesthetic with distinctly serious-looking spaces featuring minimalist layouts and lots of clinical metallic surfaces. |
Parent Appeal: ‘Play & Respite’ Retail Venues | From in-store nursing lounges and fitting rooms to unusually imaginative play areas, a host of new spaces are surfacing to support parents’ and children’s needs, echoing ideas discussed in The Pulse of Parenthood: Retail Trends & Opportunities. These multigenerational shopping magnets promise both play and respite. |
Pride of Placemaking: Cultural Localism | Other retail spaces in this edition blend their global brand ethoses and regional identities to assert greater cultural relevance. Multifarious approaches include homage stores, inspired by iconic local architecture or specific cultural landmarks, and designs wedded to preserving and/or showcasing the locality’s traditional craftsmanship and heritage. |
Tourist-Attracting Absurdist Architecture | Echoing strategies discussed in A Prestige Vibe Shift: Subversive Luxe in Luxury Flagships: New Languages, wild-looking, joy-sparking, generally surreal and sometimes confounding designs continue to push the art of visual display to create memorable – even tourist-attraction level – shopping experiences. In many instances, being unnerved can be as powerful as being pleasantly surprised. |
Global Store Openings, Volume 4: 2024 Design Trends

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