Published 14 May 2024

8 min read

From wooing younger fans without alienating existing audiences, to responding to cultural shifts and rehabilitating tarnished legacies, we identify five ways to successfully pivot across sectors as diverse as travel, sport, toys, health and fashion. Campaign themes include nurturing pangenerational content, telling difficult but necessary stories, realigning with modern parents, confronting taboos, and nurturing off-piste advocates.

1. Pangenerational Content Curation: Royal Caribbean

2. FootJoy Collaborates with Diverse Creatives to Tell Difficult Truths

3. Bodyform Breaks Health Taboos to Create Category Transformation

4. Barbie Entertains & Educates to Win Parental Approval

5. Abercrombie & Fitch Nurtures Nano-Influencers to Boost Inclusivity

Responding to the 32% of cruise passengers globally who travel with family, and the 77% of millennials who would consider a cruise (88% would rebook after their first, the highest return rate of any age group – see Key Stats for all), US-based Royal Caribbean has been dismantling the ‘pensionable passenger’ stereotype by creating content for all ages, with key crossovers.

Responding to the 32% of cruise passengers globally who travel with family, and the 77% of millennials who would consider a cruise (88% would rebook after their first, the highest return rate of any age group – see Key Stats for all), US-based Royal Caribbean has been dismantling the ‘pensionable passenger’ stereotype by creating content for all ages, with key crossovers.


1. Pangenerational Content Curation: Royal Caribbean

Responding to the 32% of cruise passengers globally who travel with family, and the 77% of millennials who would consider a cruise (88% would rebook after their first, the highest return rate of any age group – see Key Stats for all), US-based Royal Caribbean has been dismantling the ‘pensionable passenger’ stereotype by creating content for all ages, with key crossovers.

2. FootJoy Collaborates with Diverse Creatives to Tell Difficult Truths

Golf is one of sport’s staunchest bastions of white male culture. Just 5% of the US’s 25 million players are African American (Golf Business News, 2023) – an issue addressed head on by US golf shoe brand FootJoy with its Step Forward centenary films series (February 2023).

3. Bodyform Breaks Health Taboos to Create Category Transformation

UK ‘heritage’ feminine healthcare brand Bodyform (launched in 1948) has reinvented not only itself, but the category. Challenging women’s health taboos, including menstruation (22% of British women feel embarrassed when they have their period – BMJ, 2024), its global campaigns demonstrate how shifting conventional dialogue can drive sales, boost engagement and win awards.

4. Barbie Entertains & Educates to Win Parental Approval

With box office earnings of $1.36bn worldwide (Variety, 2023), 2023’s Barbie movie was just the latest in a series of reinvention moves for the doll by US toy manufacturer Mattel. It’s been leveraging a strategic mix of motivational feminist storytelling and educational assets to shift brand perceptions of the iconic toy, and woo a new generation of parents.

5. Abercrombie & Fitch Nurtures Nano-Influencers to Boost Inclusivity

Amid declining sales in the late 2010s – thanks to Gen Zers unimpressed with its non-inclusive beauty standards – US fashion retailer Abercrombie & Fitch’s reinvention began. And it’s maintained momentum into 2024, via (among other focuses) a revised content strategy based on Gen Z’s reverence for authenticity (see Key Stats) that includes selling style with nano-level, ‘non-style’ influencers.

Brand Reinventions: 5 Strategies to Reboot Engagement

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