Published 18 April 2024

Estella Shardlow
8 min read

Evolved no/low-alcohol offerings, organic labels and the sparkling segment (specifically, thriftier Champagne substitutes) are driving forces in the global wine market, which is projected to expand at a CAGR 4.35% from 2024-28 to reach a market volume of $215.7bn (Statista, 2024). Stylus charts how consumer sentiment towards sustainability, value and wellness is influencing wine consumption.

The Intentional Indulgence Era

Challengers Take Centre-Stage

Reviving Fortified Wines

As consumers adopt a quality-over-quantity approach to wine consumption, premium small-format bottles and canned wines are helping individuals control their intake. Alcohol-free varieties are being enjoyed by a wider swathe of drinkers (see Key Stats), while low-intervention viticulture chimes with concerns around environmental and personal wellbeing.

As consumers adopt a quality-over-quantity approach to wine consumption, premium small-format bottles and canned wines are helping individuals control their intake. Alcohol-free varieties are being enjoyed by a wider swathe of drinkers (see Key Stats), while low-intervention viticulture chimes with concerns around environmental and personal wellbeing.


The Intentional Indulgence Era

As consumers adopt a quality-over-quantity approach to wine consumption, premium small-format bottles and canned wines are helping individuals control their intake. Alcohol-free varieties are being enjoyed by a wider swathe of drinkers (see Key Stats), while low-intervention viticulture chimes with concerns around environmental and personal wellbeing.

Challengers Take Centre-Stage

Younger consumers’ adventurous tastes are propelling them towards lesser-known regions and varietals, including indigenous grapes with provenance narratives. An increasingly experimental outlook is similarly toppling longstanding viticultural stereotypes and popularising novel styles – whether that’s more robust, dinner-worthy rosés, or affordable alternative sparkling wines.

Reviving Fortified Wines

The worldwide market for fortified wines will register a CAGR of 5% to 2029, with APAC driving growth (Mordor Intelligence, 2024). By staging cocktail bar pop-ups and collaborations with cookery influencers, port and sherry brands are enticing new demographics and diversifying drinking occasions beyond the festive season.

Sector Outlook 24/25: Wine

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