Published 09 April 2024

8 min read

Consumers are flexing traditional mealtimes, as well as snacking and drinking occasions to better suit busy schedules, work and family commitments and other lifestyle factors. From “big breakfast energy” and functional after-dark eats to providing post-workout recovery, there are plenty of opportunities for brands to offer intentional and satisfying food and drink.

Meal Mash-Ups: What Constitutes a Meal?

Elasticating the Culinary Clock

The Malleable Morning Meal

Leisure-Leaning Sustenance

Modulated Indulgence: Little Treat Culture

Sitting down to regimented meals no longer works for many consumers. Busy lifestyles, underscored by demanding work/leisure schedules alongside household and family chores, have impacted food consumption habits. Furthermore, people’s obsession with snacking is rewiring the DNA of dining.

Sitting down to regimented meals no longer works for many consumers. Busy lifestyles, underscored by demanding work/leisure schedules alongside household and family chores, have impacted food consumption habits. Furthermore, people’s obsession with snacking is rewiring the DNA of dining.


Meal Mash-Ups: What Constitutes a Meal?

Sitting down to regimented meals no longer works for many consumers. Busy lifestyles, underscored by demanding work/leisure schedules alongside household and family chores, have impacted food consumption habits. Furthermore, people’s obsession with snacking is rewiring the DNA of dining.

Elasticating the Culinary Clock

Late-night grub has evolved beyond the partygoer scene. While some employees are working (and eating) after dark, many youngsters are filling their evenings with learning and leisure. In China, for instance, Gen Zers are enrolling in night classes (from handicrafts to vlogging). Brands can support here with nocturnal nourishment.

The Malleable Morning Meal

R&D within the breakfast category has boomed, with heightened interest from FMCG brands and fast-casual food operators. While the morning meal is now enjoyed throughout the day (cue “brinner” – breakfast for dinner), consumer desire for on-the-go and al-desko bites is also driving convenience-led formats. For more, see Time Shifting: New Consumer Routines.  

Leisure-Leaning Sustenance

Intuitive FMCG brands are leaning into leisure activities with complementary products that provide targeted nutritional support. From carb-loaded spaghetti for gym-goers to caffeinated refreshment for gamers, new innovations capitalise on consumers’ wider lifestyle goals.

Modulated Indulgence: Little Treat Culture

Food and drink are used by consumers to access moments of joy and escapism, but mood and budget often demand a restrained approach. Accordingly, we note rising enthusiasm for approachable and affordable alcohol brands (which will appeal to fun-loving but mostly moderate Gen Zers) as well as scaled-down festive dining that still delivers a slice of decadence.  

Commercialising New Food + Drink Occasions

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Gut Health + Immunity Update

Gut Health + Immunity Update

Gut Health + Immunity Update

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