The Repair Revolution
DIY fashion has evolved since its lockdown-induced boom. As consumers become increasingly concerned with making their purchases last, there’s a renewed focus on repairs through greater upskilling and education.
Keeping garments out of landfill, upcycling has the potential to reduce nearly 60% of clothing that is disposed of within a year of being produced. But, as the interest in DIY clothing, and the desire for making cherished items last longer, continues to grow, many consumers simply don’t know where to start, exposing a lucrative market gap when it comes to education.
Look to Re.Uniqlo Studio for inspiration. It has a presence at several Uniqlo stores around the world, including London and New York, and places a big emphasis on not just performing repairs, but also educating its customers on how best to care for their garments. Primark Netherlands has taken a similar approach, holding educational workshops where attendees learn the basics of repairs, including button and zipper replacement.
So, how could you integrate repairs into your business? It’s clear that there’s a gap in consumers’ knowledge but also a definite appetite for information. Focus on simultaneously educating, assisting and empowering your customers with DIY skills by showing them how via accessible workshops, digital content or in-store repair stations.