Published 25 June 2024

8 min read

Audiences’ curiosity about others’ family lives is at fever pitch, fed by a sprawling web of TikTok, Instagram and YouTube content. Our latest Internet Trends 101 unpicks the content categories and trends offering a window on new family dynamics – including “slack mummies”, granfluencers, parables on parenting teens, #GirlDads, #GoddessMums, stay-at-home dads, influencer families and queer parents.

Why Home In on the Obsession with Modern Family Now?

Post-Perfection Parenting

Intergenerational Content Hits Home

Mothering Extremes: #GoddessMums, #TradMums & #BoyMums

The Dadfluencer Spectrum

Alternative Families Reset Norms

The concept of family is undergoing a radical shift. The 'traditional' nuclear family is no longer the norm: in 2023, only 37% of US adults aged 25-49 were part of the traditional nuclear model (in an opposite-sex marriage, parenting at least one child), down from 67% in 1970 (Pew, 2023).

The concept of family is undergoing a radical shift. The 'traditional' nuclear family is no longer the norm: in 2023, only 37% of US adults aged 25-49 were part of the traditional nuclear model (in an opposite-sex marriage, parenting at least one child), down from 67% in 1970 (Pew, 2023).


Why Home In on the Obsession with Modern Family Now?

The concept of family is undergoing a radical shift. The 'traditional' nuclear family is no longer the norm: in 2023, only 37% of US adults aged 25-49 were part of the traditional nuclear model (in an opposite-sex marriage, parenting at least one child), down from 67% in 1970 (Pew, 2023).

Post-Perfection Parenting

Globally, 45% of parents say they sometimes feel other parents are judging them (McCann, 2023). Easing the pangs of parenting pressure, solidarity-stimulating post-perfectionist parenting content exposes warts-and-all realities – from “slack mummies’” honesty and the dramedy of parenting adolescents to the tightrope experiences of working parents.

Intergenerational Content Hits Home

Audiences’ swelling fascination with intergenerational dynamics is pushed to the fore by growing ranks of older users making TikTok and Instagram Reels (see Key Stats). Beloved by young people, granfluencers are amassing major Gen Z followings. Meanwhile, Gen Xers are cameoing in content with their kids, and influencer families are revealing (and sending up) the intricacies of family life. 

Mothering Extremes: #GoddessMums, #TradMums & #BoyMums

Despite rising admiration for unpolished parenting content, a considerable crop of online mums personify a new iteration of hyper-curated and sometimes obsessive motherhood. Transfixing viewers with glamourised TikTok and Instagram content about their slickly performed dedication to raising children, they typically advocate for dated versions of gender roles and domestic dynamics.

The Dadfluencer Spectrum

In the US, fathers are less likely than mothers to discuss parenting with their friends (47% versus 67%; Pew 2023). Enter dadfluencers: fathers determined to blast through damaging social structures around fatherhood. From dads discussing their feelings to #GirlDads, stay-at-home dads and stereotype-busting Southeast Asian dads, they reject a one-size-fits-all approach.

Alternative Families Reset Norms

Nuclear, heteronormative non-disabled families are no longer the only standard-bearers for family content (on- or offline). Queer parents, adoptive parents, neurodivergent and disabled families, trans parents and blended families are also claiming visibility, promoting tolerance and demonstrating the need to keep refreshing cultural conceptions of the family unit. 

Internet Trends 101: Modern Family

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