Published 26 June 2024

8 min read

Innovative independent luxury brands are championing a new vision for the fragrance industry and spearheading modern perfumery, framing scent as an alchemical art form rather than a personal care practice. We pinpoint the most inspiring and commercial examples for buyers and brands seeking fresh ideas. 

1. Neurocosmetics & Functional Fragrance

2. Scenting Atmospherically

3. Creativity & Sustainability with Biotechnology

4. Skin-Forward Formats

5. Entering Digital Worlds

6. Clean & Slow Perfumery

7. Storytelling Narratives

8. Capturing Space & Time

9. Rebel Spirit

10. Cultural Reconnaissance

Among perfume wearers, 71% now look for a scent that lifts their mood, and 50% are interested in fragrances linking to physical or wellness benefits, such as de-stressing, improved focus or an energising impact (Circana, 2023). Exciting new creation is being driven by neuroscience principles to provide wellbeing benefits alongside covetable scents.

Among perfume wearers, 71% now look for a scent that lifts their mood, and 50% are interested in fragrances linking to physical or wellness benefits, such as de-stressing, improved focus or an energising impact (Circana, 2023). Exciting new creation is being driven by neuroscience principles to provide wellbeing benefits alongside covetable scents.


1. Neurocosmetics & Functional Fragrance

Among perfume wearers, 71% now look for a scent that lifts their mood, and 50% are interested in fragrances linking to physical or wellness benefits, such as de-stressing, improved focus or an energising impact (Circana, 2023). Exciting new creation is being driven by neuroscience principles to provide wellbeing benefits alongside covetable scents.

2. Scenting Atmospherically

Another wellness-driven development, the home fragrance market is snowballing (see Evolving Home Fragrance Experiences and Crafting Home Fragrance Sensations). Contemporary perfumers are testing the boundaries between fine perfumery and atmospheric scents, positing a mindful exercise to better connect bodies and space.

3. Creativity & Sustainability with Biotechnology

If traditional perfumery values craftsmanship, heritage ingredients and European sophistication, tech-led fragrance start-ups are positioning modern, sustainable perfumery as a lab-based exploit free of creative constraints.

4. Skin-Forward Formats

The concept of skin-forward fragrances is worth watching. As consumers rebound from Covid-19, seeking closeness, skin-like scents and perfumes that foster a sensuous connection with the body’s natural olfactory signalling will resonate. Kind-to-skin formulas also emerge within this trend, tapping into fragrance functionality.

5. Entering Digital Worlds

Shrewd independent perfume start-ups are eschewing the typical “sex sells” narrative guiding traditional fragrance marketing, speaking to a growing consumer base seeking to immerse themselves in scented worlds instead.

6. Clean & Slow Perfumery

With ‘clean’ still an impactful trend in the wider beauty industry, the rise of clean fragrance offerings is expected, with many perfumers arguing against harsh synthetic materials. Small-batch, seasonal and ‘slow’ strategies also promote a holistic experience while establishing exclusivity and delayed gratification.

7. Storytelling Narratives

Much like the digital world trend (see above), perfumers and consumers alike are celebrating olfactive alchemy as storytelling through smell, with a deeper sense of artistic meaning conveyed in a spritz.

8. Capturing Space & Time

The signature scent concept no longer drives fragrance purchases as strongly as it used to, especially among Gen Zers, who are more likely to select a perfume based on how they’re feeling on a particular day. Leaning into this, perfumers are developing fragrances that capture specific moods and sentiments while also taking an olfactive snapshot of a location or moment in time.

9. Rebel Spirit

In a global survey, 75% of discerning perfume shoppers said their fragrance collection functions as a means of self-expression (Highsnobiety, 2023). For many young-spirited consumers, the self-expression takes the form of more daring scent blends and a preference for brands with a bolder, more explicit vision.

10. Cultural Reconnaissance

Proud independent brands are celebrating their founder roots and championing perfumery that bucks the European fine fragrance narrative. By celebrating local flora, new and exciting ingredients are introduced to the global perfumery market.

Top 10 Trends in Next-Gen Fragrance

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Top 10 Trends in Next-Gen Fragrance

Top 10 Trends in Next-Gen Fragrance

Top 10 Trends in Next-Gen Fragrance

Top 10 Trends in Next-Gen Fragrance

Top 10 Trends in Next-Gen Fragrance

Innovative independent luxury brands are championing a new vision for the fragrance industry and spearheading modern perfumery, framing scent as an alchemical art form rather than a personal care practice. We pinpoint the most inspiring and commercial examples for buyers and brands seeking fresh ideas. 

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