Published 02 May 2024

8 min read

Another successful global edition of In-Cosmetics (Paris, April 16-18) introduced some innovative concepts for skin, hair and body active ingredients while reanimating older trends with new clinicals and actionable claims. Neurocosmetics target the brain/skin axis, whereas longevity drives development alongside new lifestyle-based challenges and concerns. Sustainability underpins all, with biotech being many developers’ priority.

Reinvigorating Neurocosmetics

Longevity & Superior Skin Health

Tackling Modern Concerns

Mainstreaming Sustainability

The trend for neurocosmetics (topical formulas that promise to influence both skin and brain health) was introduced a few years ago, but it didn’t make a significant impact on the beauty market. This year, new ingredients with strong clinicals were re-energising the concept and making the case for happiness-inducing and stress-relieving cosmetics. 

The trend for neurocosmetics (topical formulas that promise to influence both skin and brain health) was introduced a few years ago, but it didn’t make a significant impact on the beauty market. This year, new ingredients with strong clinicals were re-energising the concept and making the case for happiness-inducing and stress-relieving cosmetics. 


Reinvigorating Neurocosmetics

The trend for neurocosmetics (topical formulas that promise to influence both skin and brain health) was introduced a few years ago, but it didn’t make a significant impact on the beauty market. This year, new ingredients with strong clinicals were re-energising the concept and making the case for happiness-inducing and stress-relieving cosmetics. 

Longevity & Superior Skin Health

Our deep dive into the longevity beauty market bubbled up at In-Cosmetics with manufacturers hedging their bets on next-gen age-reversing actives. Retinol and side-effect-free alternatives were spotlighted, while pre-ageing surfaced as a commercial concept for older Gen Zers and younger millennials beginning their ageing journey and seeking methods of prevention.

Tackling Modern Concerns

From pollution protection and hyperpigmentation to barrier support and Ozempic-inspired personal care, developers are pushing solutions to new lifestyle concerns via high-performance multi-tasking actives.

Mainstreaming Sustainability

Once again, biotechnology was celebrated as the hero sustainability development strategy for active ingredients, marketed especially as an answer to future material-sourcing concerns that could arise from climate-crisis-blighted crop irregularities. Vegan and plant-based alternatives are also on the rise alongside upcycling.

In-Cosmetics 2024: Reactive Beauty

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