Published 10 April 2024

Alice Leeburn
8 min read

No longer just a teen skin issue, acne care is diversifying across categories and demographics, with stress, the gut-skin-axis and perimenopause all playing a part. While #skinpositivity is still relevant, consumers and brands are getting real about acne, tackling breakouts and scarring with a combination of LED devices, scientific formulas and botanical ingredients. 

Getting Real

New Dermagraphics

The Gut-Brain-Skin Axis

Future-thinking Formats

Ingredients Spotlight

“While the skin positivity movement has played a crucial role in promoting self-acceptance and celebrating diversity, it has primarily focused on embracing imperfections rather than solely addressing skincare concerns,” Akinseye Akinnaike, managing director, UK-based SkinChoice, told Stylus. Today’s acne consumer just wants clear skin, seeking advice from trusted professionals who make safe, results-driven, science-backed products.

“While the skin positivity movement has played a crucial role in promoting self-acceptance and celebrating diversity, it has primarily focused on embracing imperfections rather than solely addressing skincare concerns,” Akinseye Akinnaike, managing director, UK-based SkinChoice, told Stylus. Today’s acne consumer just wants clear skin, seeking advice from trusted professionals who make safe, results-driven, science-backed products.


Getting Real

“While the skin positivity movement has played a crucial role in promoting self-acceptance and celebrating diversity, it has primarily focused on embracing imperfections rather than solely addressing skincare concerns,” Akinseye Akinnaike, managing director, UK-based SkinChoice, told Stylus. Today’s acne consumer just wants clear skin, seeking advice from trusted professionals who make safe, results-driven, science-backed products.

New Dermagraphics

Until recently, acne care consisted of uninviting blue ointments for pimply teens. Now that skincare curious tweens, stressed-out 20-somethings and perimenopausal women are all seeking support for acne issues, brands are responding with nuanced formulas and targeted packaging.

The Gut-Brain-Skin Axis

Stress, anxiety, diet and hormonal imbalances activate higher levels of cortisol, causing inflammation, stimulating oil glands and contributing to acne. In a UK survey of people with acne aged 10 to 46, 60% of respondents had experienced decreased confidence (British Journal of Dermatology, 2022), potentially exacerbating the problem.

Future-thinking Formats

With Gen Z to Gen X consumers demanding solutions for a wide range of acne issues, next-gen wearables, LED devices and topical treatments are delivering fast, targeted results. In the US, average monthly online searches for ‘red light wand” have risen 143% year-on-year (Spate, December 2023).

Ingredients Spotlight

As consumers seek alternatives to astringent salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide, brands are exploring new antibacterial products that address acne, restore the microbiome and prevent breakouts. From probiotics to pumpkin enzymes, traditional Korean herbs to glacial minerals, acne care is showing its gentle side.

Gen Acne: The New Dermagraphics

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