Published 05 February 2024

Victoria Randle
8 min read

Consumers want products that inject joy into their daily routines – a topic we introduce in Feel-Good Tech. In 2024, this means devices for promoting emotional self-care, enhancing leisure time and automating chores. Rather than lead with their utility, these products leverage tech to imbue everyday activities with moments of delight, making it easier for people to live a good life.

Streamlined & Soothing Self-Care

Augmented Leisure

Thoughtful (& Entertaining) Child-Friendly Tech

Delightful AI

As we investigate in Consumers & Screentime, many people want their tech use to promote wellbeing and enrich their lives instead of just filling a utilitarian function. These individuals are leveraging audio for relaxation, personalised digital journals for mental health and wearables to track activities and emotions. The focus is on easy-to-use tools that nudge positivity.

As we investigate in Consumers & Screentime, many people want their tech use to promote wellbeing and enrich their lives instead of just filling a utilitarian function. These individuals are leveraging audio for relaxation, personalised digital journals for mental health and wearables to track activities and emotions. The focus is on easy-to-use tools that nudge positivity.


Streamlined & Soothing Self-Care

As we investigate in Consumers & Screentime, many people want their tech use to promote wellbeing and enrich their lives instead of just filling a utilitarian function. These individuals are leveraging audio for relaxation, personalised digital journals for mental health and wearables to track activities and emotions. The focus is on easy-to-use tools that nudge positivity.

Augmented Leisure

Innovative tech is helping people maximise scant leisure time by allowing for more profound natural experiences or enabling them to relive childhood-favourite pastimes. The market is shifting towards products that not only entertain but also enrich personal hobbies, making them more immersive and gratifying.

Thoughtful (& Entertaining) Child-Friendly Tech

Although 67% of American parents are worried about their children’s device use (University of Michigan, 2023), well-designed kid-friendly tech that provides educational experiences and mental stimulation remains popular. Especially notable are the artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled toys from American soft toy brand Curio that teach children social skills during screen-free playtime.

Delightful AI

Forward-thinking tech brands are integrating AI into everyday tools to nudge creativity and automate routine tasks. Google now offers everything from generative AI-designed phone wallpaper to assisted music creation. Meanwhile, wearable AI assistants aim to blend functionality with user interfaces that make daily activities more delightful.

Mood-Boosting Tech: Devices for Wellness & Play

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