Published 15 December 2022

6 min read

The 2023 Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas (January 5-8) promises to be jam-packed, taking up 50% more physical space than last year. Stylus will be covering the event in person and online to curate the full spectrum of insights. Here, we share the trends our editors are anticipating on the floor at CES 2023.


Human Security for All

CES organiser Consumer Technology Association (US) partnered with the UN to create an initiative called Human Security for All, which will guide the show’s schedule and choice of exhibitors.

GreenTech for a Changing World

In response to global waste and energy crises, businesses are inventing new ways of powering the future with alternative fuels.

Digital Health’s Next Evolution

Continuing the trend from 2021 and 2022, our editors expect to see health and wellness tech take centre stage at CES.

Accelerating New Mobility Solutions

The automotive sector will once again have a strong presence in 2023, with keynotes being delivered by executives from marques BMW (Germany) and Stellantis (the Netherlands).

Web3 Grows Up

Web3, the metaverse, blockchain and cryptocurrency: the building blocks of the internet’s future are all new additions to CES in 2023.

Uplifting Tech

As reflected by the rise in global stressors and exemplified by this year’s human security theme, uplifting solutions that provide peace of mind will make up the core of CES content and the broader tech landscape of 2023.

CES 2023 Trends Preview

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