Published 18 March 2024

18 min read

Tech is an essential ally in the push to reduce mobility’s carbon footprint. But range anxiety and safety misconceptions hinder consumers’ path towards sustainable transport. Astute brands are targeting infrastructure-related pain points – from upgrading electric vehicle charging points to installing traffic-monitoring sensors. Stylus highlights the best-in-class initiatives helping consumers adopt eco-mobility without sacrificing comfort or convenience.

Low-Carbon, High-Tech Transport

Ahead with EV Infrastructure

The Future Charging Opportunity

Sustainable Services & Delivery

Forward-thinking communities and brands are leveraging apps and sensors to promote sustainable ways of getting around and ensure eco-led transport meets residents’ needs. The shape this takes varies by location: some areas are implementing sensors to streamline congested intersections, while others emphasise mobility as a shared service.

Forward-thinking communities and brands are leveraging apps and sensors to promote sustainable ways of getting around and ensure eco-led transport meets residents’ needs. The shape this takes varies by location: some areas are implementing sensors to streamline congested intersections, while others emphasise mobility as a shared service.


Low-Carbon, High-Tech Transport

Forward-thinking communities and brands are leveraging apps and sensors to promote sustainable ways of getting around and ensure eco-led transport meets residents’ needs. The shape this takes varies by location: some areas are implementing sensors to streamline congested intersections, while others emphasise mobility as a shared service.

Ahead with EV Infrastructure

As EV adoption increases, the current charging infrastructure is being stretched. Both current and prospective EV drivers want ready access to reliable and speedy chargers but are frustrated with their options (see Key Stats). Governments, financial institutions and other investors, including commercial landowners, are kickstarting initiatives to increase installations and satisfy demand.

The Future Charging Opportunity

A thriving charging landscape could unlock new revenue and engagement opportunities for brands. Emerging tech means super-fast (Level 3) chargers can be installed everywhere, from packed urban car parks to rural roadsides. Consequently, brands across sectors – from hospitality to retail to automotive – have a chance to redefine and leverage the commercial benefit.

Sustainable Services & Delivery

Trucks and buses combined account for around 35% of global carbon emissions (IEA, 2022), and 88% of global business leaders in transportation and logistics believe pursuing net zero is essential for financial growth (HSBC, 2023). Cue electric fleets, car-free solutions for last-mile delivery, and a push to make public transportation (even) more eco-friendly.

Accelerated Futures: Advancing EV Infrastructure

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