Gallup Global Emotions 2024: Consumers’ Positive Outlook

Published 26 August 2024

2 min read

US-based consultancy Gallup has polled nearly 146,000 people, aged 15 years and older, from 142 countries on their emotions. Its 2024 Global Emotions report shows that positive sentiments, like experiencing enjoyment, feeling respected and being well-rested, have increased worldwide. We highlight the key takeaways for brands.

  • An Optimistic Outlook: Positive emotions have returned to pre-pandemic levels, with Gallup scoring the global positive emotional sentiment 71 out of 100. Worldwide, 71% of people said in 2023 that they felt well-rested, 73% reported experiencing enjoyment, and 73% admitted to smiling or laughing a lot during the previous day.

    This reflects the sentiments we’ve been tracking, such as how consumers are centring their wellbeing to reduce stress and pursuing light-hearted play.

  • Young People Are More Positive: Worldwide, under-30s scored slightly higher on Gallup’s Positive Experience Index: 74 out of 100. This is consistent with previous years, as youngsters tend to rank about five points higher than those who are over the age of 30. 

  • One in Five Report Loneliness: In 2023, Gallup’s poll asked about loneliness for the first time, finding that 23% of people globally had experienced feelings of loneliness for a lot of the previous day. Those who reported loneliness also noted more negative emotions, like sadness (54%, versus 18% of individuals who didn’t feel lonely but did experience sadness).

    Feelings of loneliness have been a re-emerging consumer struggle. Some brands and grassroots initiatives try to help people embed themselves into (in-person) communities to alleviate this sentiment.