Nienke Creemers

Senior Trends Researcher, Consumer Attitudes

As a researcher at Stylus, Nienke explores consumer attitudes and technology trends. Motivated by a curiosity about how society develops and changes, she finds it fascinating to observe how societal constructs and beliefs evolve over time. This interest fosters a strong conviction in the potential of intentional change as a transformative tool in a world full of possibilities.

With a dedicated commitment to understanding consumer attitudes and technology trends, Nienke uses her expertise to discover insights that help businesses adapt and thrive in a world where intentional change can make a difference for the better.

Her academic background includes a bachelor’s degree in design and a master’s degree in speculative design, sustainability & ethics from the London College of Fashion. During her studies, Nienke explored the complex systems and perspectives related to fashion production methods.

Prior to joining Stylus in 2023, she contributed to various research projects looking into cultivating a sustainable and fair fashion industry via new business models, technologies and production methods, while also working as a copywriter.

Besides her work, Nienke also finds great joy in collaborating with the inspiring team of experts at Stylus. Their collective knowledge and insights consistently stimulate her thinking and provide valuable perspectives.