Pinterest Predicts Top 2022 Beauty Trends
Pinterest’s annual Pinterest Predicts report forecasts the top trends for the year ahead based on consumer activity on the social platform and confirms some of our key beauty predictions. We highlight the essential beauty and wellness takeaways gaining traction for the new year.
Pinterest Predicts Top 2022 Beauty Trends

- Escapist Accessorising: Driven by a strong desire to escape and travel, an over-the-top creative whole-body accessorising trend is coming through, from tooth gems to crystal eye embellishment. Searches for “crystal eye make-up” increased by 110% and “tooth gems” by 85% in 2021, emphasising a keen interest in a bold, fun-fuelled aesthetic. For more jewelled eye make-up, see Make-Up Projections 2022 and S/S 22: Make-Up.
Additionally, escapist ideals surface within landscape-style nail art, such as ocean, desert, geode and constellation-inspired designs. Trending term “desert nails” was up 105% in 2021, while searches for “galaxy nail art” rose by 115%.
Continuing with galaxy-themed beauty inspiration, 2022 will see a celebration of high puff hairstyling, with space buns manifesting as a key look. Pinterest reported a huge 165% growth in searches for “high puff hairstyles”, while “space buns” had a 100% increase. Beauty brands can offer tutorials and styling tips to help consumers achieve these looks. - Statement Styling: As we explore in Top 10 Beauty TikTok Trends 2021 and Hair Colour Trends to Watch 2021, beauty enthusiasts have adopted an experimental DIY attitude after having additional free time during lockdown, playing with various daring hairstyles and cuts – including mullets, which are set to enter the mainstream in 2022.
Popular searches in this category are “mullet hairstyle” – which saw an increase of 190% – as well as “short hair mohawk”, “shaved head designs” and “octopus haircut” (a new take on the mullet with less texture and longer length). Read Haircare Projections 2022 for more styling updates and product innovations.

- Spiritual Awakenings: Evolving from last year, spiritual wellness continues to be a key trend in the beauty and wellness space, as protecting energy and looking for ways to raise vibrations is top of mind for Gen Z. Searches for “how to protect your energy” rose by 60% this year, while “frequency healing” increased by 35%.
Searches for “walking in nature” expanded by 95%, highlighting the ongoing importance of connecting with nature and its power to heal – something we predicted for 2022 in our Look Ahead – Beauty.
From incense and oils to crystals and tarot, brands can develop products and treatments with ancient ingredients that tap into the popularity of spirituality. See The Brief for how some brands are already championing this. - Mindful Connections: As we explore in Personal Care Gets Intimate, greater education and normalisation around menstruation is helping to improve the menstrual experience. Shrewd brands are spreading period positivity and addressing topics that have been overlooked, or previously considered uncomfortable, now opening up honest conversations. Searches for period care increased threefold this year, while the popularity of terms such as “period starter kit’” and “menstrual cycle chart” rose by 85% and 95% respectively.
Brands can help consumers navigate their periods with comforting designs and apps to track their mood and cycle phases, as well as with campaigns revealing the realities of menstruation.