Max Worth

Chief Product Officer

Max leads Stylus' Product function, focusing on driving customer-led innovation across all of our offerings. He has worked in product innovation for a number of years, with a passion for turning real customer and market insight into new products in digital and physical spaces alike. Before joining Stylus in 2019, he was a strategy consultant, starting at Deloitte Digital, where he worked with major public sector organisations, as well as FTSE 100 businesses across the media, energy and financial industries. He then spent some years focusing on innovation strategy, working with blue-chip consumer businesses to help them achieve customer-led growth. He continued this line of work in a freelance capacity, including project work with Stylus.

Max enjoys the full product development process: taking a nugget of qualitative or quantitative insight, interrogating client needs, and experimenting and iterating. Stylus is a family business for him, and he's been exposed to the trends industry for as long as he can remember. This has contributed to his belief in the ability to make sense of the forces shaping culture, business and design, in order to develop products and services fit for future consumers.